Winnipeg Jets - Ottawa Senators | NHL pripravne zapasy Autor: anjel79

27.9.2022 18:35
NHL pripravne zapasy
2022-09-28 02:00:00
Winnipeg Jets
výhra domacich po 60min

Ottawa dnes s mladym menej skúseným kádrom 

Compared to the Jets roster, which is filled with plenty of NHL regulars, the Senators are bringing a younger and more inexperienced roster to Winnipeg and it should be a great test for these players as they look to make the Senators’ opening night roster.

Winnipeg naopak v útoku s NHL hviezdami. Po prehre s Edmontonom 0:4 kde hrali s mladym kádrom z ktorého pre dnešný zápas majú v nominácii len 4 hráčov, dnes v útoku Wheeler, Ehlers, Schefeile, Lowry, Connors, v obrane traja stabilný hráči základu na čele s brankarskou jednotkou Hellebuyckom.